Coupon Setup
A coupon banner is configured from the "Coupon Setup" tab.
Coupon Details
- Select Coupon Code: Set coupon code for the banner from discounts codes created in store discounts page.
- Coupon Font Style: Font family of coupon code container.
Coupon Border
- Border Design: Select coupon container border design between none, solid, dashed, and dotted.
- Border Width: Coupon container border width in px.
- Border Radius: Coupon container border-radius in px.
Coupon Style
- Coupon Bar width & height: Set height and width of coupon code container.
- Coupon Background: Set the background color of the coupon code container.
- Coupon Border: Set the border color of the coupon code container.
- Coupon Text: Set the text color of the coupon code container.