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Create and update banners

You can create an announcement banner directly from the dashboard page.

create banner

Select the Banner type

Next, you should select the banner type which you want to create. Then click on "Create" button

banner types

Configure banner settings

Customize the banner by adding required configuration for general, styles and visibility settings.

enter banner

Save banner details

You can save banner details by clicking on the "Save" button at the top of the page. Additionally, the "Cancel" button ignores all the changes and redirects to the Dashboard page.

save banner

If the banner details are successfully saved success notification is displayed.

success notification

When banner details are not saved, an error notification is displayed.

error notification

Delete banner

The option to delete the banner is visible from the "More actions" list.

banner actions

Whenever the delete option is selected, a modal for confirmation is displayed.

delete banner

Duplicate banner

This action will create a replica of banner that is duplicated. A banner can be duplicated from "More actions" list in banner edit page or "Action" dropdown of banner table.